Board of Directors
The Board of Directors governs the work of the Foundation and has representatives from the Finnish Fair Corporation, the Confederation of Finnish Industries, the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, and the City of Helsinki. The advocate of the foundation is Mr. Paul Taimitarha.
Board of Directors (starting from 1st July 2022)
Jorma Eloranta, Chairman
Hannu Syrjänen, Vice-chairman
Pia Kalsta
Juha Rantanen
Nathalie Ahlström
Ben Zyskowicz
Jyri Häkämies
Jaakko Hirvola
Aleksi Randell
Pauliina Tenhunen
Mikael Pentikäinen
Juhana Vartiainen

The Kalevala goes Science project from Joutsa picked up the 3000 EUR scholarship of the Finnish Fair Foundation at the Educa 2020 fair.